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Saturday, March 28, 2009
TENNIS TODAY. WAS SHIITYYY SUNBURNT AGAAIN. Okay lahs, it wasn't that bad today, as it was I can't remember how long ago. Didn't get to bring my visor, since used it on Thursday so put it to wash and it still hasn't dried. Thus, during the random doubles match with two TJ girls, I slapped on a thick stripe of white sunblock across my face, hoping that the sun will have not that big an impact on me. Not. Oh wells. Anyways match with TJ girls was like. -.- Totally wasn't focused; we kept hitting out shots. God. I'd very much rather play with people I know, and people who don't look half as intimidating at first glance. Then again, those two at SR looked horribly hostile and fierce, but their shots weren't anything like that. If only. If only this was the case during nationals. Suddenly, its like the WHOLE SINGAPORE knows how to play tennis, and WELL at that. Oh shuuucks. I ain't feeling very confident right now. Nationals. Two weeks and a bit more? Stuck here still. I wonder how we'd do. Cause every CCA is fighting. Every CCA feels that confidence to win, that uhm. HUNGER? I don't really; not very much. HOWWW. ): Anyways. On a lighter note. Today huiwen Fan3 Chang2, and asked if we wanted to take pictures, after the match-plays. SO I whipped out my cell, and we started snapping! (*refer below) LOL. Afterwards ling went to bathe and we got carried away, MAD-ing in the toilet. Waterfront toilet is quite. Ugly huh. HAHA. Stacks of lockers and sower and toilet cubicles. Benches. Oh, okay lahs, not that bad. at least its spacious. Only thing is, there is no fan, no handdryer, always run out of toilet paper, no ventilation, and is only separated from the outside car park or some weird open land by a wall. So when relieving, can hear the ahneh outside hollering at another fellow worker. ROFL. HAHA. Ling is SUPER CUTE :D **Xuejie and huiwen posing** Ivy: "How come you zoom in on xuejie only??" Ling: "I don't wanna take huiwen!" *joking tone* Huiwen: *acts rejected*
Ohmytians. Xua you damn perv. HAHA. Straight lesbos. (Ironic much.) I refuse to be associated with this abusive, pervertic madwoman. Doubles partner. 一起骂粗话. Laughs* 404 sheeshers. :D 4 years, and 2 years of same cca in tennis. HOHO. (Oh did I mention we bumped into chrisliew. Like zomg, BL's too small for comfort.) Xua's. Expression. Is. Classic. :D :D:D:D HAHA. Was doing some retarded body formation, but stopped cause leg cramped while waiting for that ass to click the button. IDIIIOT. Tuesday- TRG Wednesday- home friendly with MJC Thursday- TRG Saturday- TRG Only a bit more to go. Before it all ends. Before we go full swing into that last segment. Before we overcome that last obstacle. Before we don't see one another. ARUGH. |