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Friday, May 29, 2009
I knew your true colours, but I wasn't sure.
I've heard, but I never really believed. Now I see for myself, and I know what I saw initially was indeed right. The feeling kinds of sucks that you're this sort of person; the whole one image in front of someone but another in front of another bunch you are dying to impress, or judging of others when you aren't that much of a perfect person. Funny, cause from what I see, you are, indeed, EXTREMELY so. On the other hand, knowing I'm right is an altogether delightful emotion. Or in this case, mix, there of. Study date today! (: Can't wait.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Last week of school already, but still so many things ongoing. Monday-Biology make-up until 4.30pm. Sucks. Tuesday-Biology workshop briefing til 5pm. Wednesday-Chemistry retest on Electrochemistry. Testimonial match. Farewell dinner. Thursday-Math lesson til 6pm for the whole cohort. Friday-Biology makeup til 6pm. (AGAIN, YES I KNOW.) Vaanavil thingy. Saturday-Study date. Vaanavil with clique. Great. OH GREAT SHIT. On a lighter note, I got my warranty still valid from Apple for my MacBook! OMG. THANK TIAN. So I get a new adaptor for free! And I'd better find all the faults and get them repaired before the warranty no longer holds. AWESOME! (: Since my iMac doesn't have Windows in it -.- Whew. Finally going to get new shoes. Don't know which to get though; mine has a HUGE hole by the right shoe, near the little toe. When I walk, I can stick it out for fun's fake. Also, as an added bonus, I get to pour the synthetic beads out from that hole too. :D But then again, June 'catch-up period' is coming, so I'm not in an awful rush to get new footgear. Oh, and did I mention? The first two weeks of school are mainly filled with Biology, GP and Math lessons. What the shitz. Biology's gonna be painful and tedious. ): Somethings are turning sour. And I'm seriously hoping the event thingy on friday clashes with biology makeup so I do not have to attend. Besides, some people haven't been going, and they don't even care. I know seeing almost half the class skipping class due to boredom and lack of purpose makes it even more so tempting to do the same, but the majority isn't always right now, is it, and one does not always follow the crowd. Sucks. And the ASSHOLES holler when THEY are the ones looking on in dismay. Awesome shit. (: Ima off to prepare for IMM, sleep on the ride, then get the stuffs I need, and sleep on the trip back, and then get down to mugging again. Piece of shit. Ivy: "Life sucks." Diana: "Take drugs!" IT's disturbing how cheery her tone was when she said that. Hahaha.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
SATURDAY. OMG, damn excited. Little India was FUN! Doesn't feel like Singapore though; it was an enjoyable trip in any case.
Oh, and did I mention? I LOVE THE PURPLE LINE. Damn nice and clean. And classy. Hehs, then I thought of liwanyu who has to take the train home everyday from there. WHOA. (: Pity it's so short; it would make a good place to stone and sort out thoughts once in a while. Oh, and wen and I bumped into a really funny ah peh today. Ahpeh: Hi girls, could you kindly tell me how to go to Clementi station? Wen: Ahhh... Ivy: Uhm. Wen: We are going that way actually, if you would come with us? Ahpeh: AHH. Okayokay I follow you. *appreciative grin* On the way, Ahpeh: I went to Plaza Singapura to catch them! *happily points to snipplets of pages delicately cut from magazine* Do you know them? See? These are the boys from the Spider show...You know?? The spiders? Huiwen: *raises eyebrows* Ivy: Fighting spiders? *after examining the pictures* Ahpeh: YES YES! See this short fat boy? Everyone loved him, clapped and stood and all when he made his appearance. This boy, this boy.. Huiwen and Ivy: *exchanges amused looks* Ahpeh: And this! You know, these...these actors? These... Ivy: Celebrities? Ahpeh: YES! Thats the word, celebrities. You two speak english right? Good Good. See? They made their appearances too, at the show. *points eagerly at the pages* My favourite male actor wasn't there though... Ivy: Oh. I see! Ahpeh: Do you watch the shows? You know who they are right? Huiwen: Err, actually we didn't know there was such an event, and no we don't watch the shows... Ahpeh: HUH! HOW? How can you not know there is a meet-and-greet session? See? From the 8 days? $2 only! Ivy: Hahaha. Yes yes, 8 days, we don't read that either.. Ahpeh: OH NO! *eyes darting from one of us to the other and laughs* then where did you two go in the morning? Didn't go see celebrities, where else to go? Huiwen: *Amused* Ivy: ...Errr. We went to Little India... Ahpeh: HUH! *bursts out into hearty laughter* GO LITTLE INDIA? For what! Nothing to see! Everything so ******* how to see? HAHA. Ohmytian. I swore I looked around straight after he said that to ensure that there weren't any victims around, since he practically HOLLERED. So when we arrived at the Green line station, he was so happy. Ahpeh: Oh! CLEMENTI! I can just take all the way til Clementi right? From here? Ivy: Yeap! How did you go to the session, uncle? Ahpeh: I took a bus! Ask people here and there and they told me what bus to take and how to go. But after the event, when i asked a young man where to take the bus back to Clementi, he laughed and told me that it was going to take an hour and more, advising me to take the train, so here I am... Huiwen: Ohh... Ivy: Mhm.. Ahpeh: Okay! Where are you girls heading to then? Ivy: Uhh, BUGIS! Ahpeh: *looks at the board, which had the colours of the stations heading the other way from bugis highlighted* Where got Bugis? Wrong way huh! Ivy: NONO! Its here! See? Ahpeh: *obviously needs reading glasses* Nothing here! Where? Huiwen: No, it's not coloured! But here! *points* Ahpeh: OH. Okay! *smiles widely and does a short bow to me and huiwen once each* OMG. That uncle was damn amusing. Anyhow go to plaza sing from clementi, and anyhow back. SO cute can, HAHA. So old already still go chase celebs. Extremely cheery. Oh, and BONG was damn funny during chemistry practical. On our last experiment, she forgot to pour in one of the reagents, so the whole thing in the conical flask turned blue 2 seconds after the start of the stopwatch, which left us gapping in shock. LOL. Cute siah, her expression was PRICELESS. Hmm, random thoughts here and there, and something from some people, got me wondering about some things. Arugh, shall not bother too much on it for now. Got more important things to focus on. Can't wait for the break from school, though I'll probably be heading out almost everyday back. Well, at least for the first two weeks of June. Then out studying with clique. Can't wait. I need a breather from some things. Tomorrow shall be used to mug retest. Arugh, I LOATHE things like that. Wednesday will be the testimonial match and farewell dinner, and friday will be having biology makeup again. This totally sucks; Mr Er is sucking the life out of all of us. Shit. Head's pounding heavily, probably from the irregular diet these few days. GAH.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
TWO SENIOR TAMIL TIGERS 'DEAD'. SON OF LEADER OF TAMIL TIGERS 'DEAD'. Well, the leader thing, they haven't exactly found his body yet. But if they do, then holy shit. :D It will be an historical event! 25 years of bitter civil war put to an end. WAR. 其中一个,就这样过了! Somehow, I feel jovial over it. LOL. Have no idea why, I think it's worth celebrating if the whole issue is really over. HEHE. Okay, one thing that cheered me up. :D Shall proceed back to tutorial. Then study date and tuition tomorrow! Can't wait. P.S. 你的虚伪, 真的很令我觉得恶心。
Sunday, May 17, 2009
![]() Hohoho. Back to mugging. P.S. Mental note. Not this time. Not next time. Not anymore.
Friday, May 15, 2009
I'm quite convinced that the past few days have been quite an emotional roller-coaster ride for me; I don't know why either. It's like, back to the sec 4 days when I would suddenly turn blue for a period of time. Of course, reason is also unknown. Dots. Anyways. A lot of thoughts came to me, while going on my normal stuffs. Firstly, I was packing my worksheets just now, cause I thought it was really about time I cleared and sorted out the HUGE piles of papers on my desk, since I had only a horribly cramped place just enough to spread out all my highlighters and pens, a notebook, and a set of lecture notes. Math tutorial will be, needless to say, a bit of a hassle, as you'd usually need an open lecture book, the question paper and a set of lecture pad. Nevermind that, I'm like, seriously going off point. Somehow the entire procedure just seemed painful somehow, as I uncovered more and more of my horribly done test papers. Piles and piles of tutorial worksheets, done and some undone, lecture notes, some thoroughly revised but still doesn't seem to be able to help me achieve those grades I need (supposedly), and more and more quizzes and tests, some with good results, and some bad. GP, math, history, chem and bio. Omg, those last two are like, my most badly done subjects (as can be reflected in my PRC; its the math and all the H1s that pulled my ranking pts..else, CMI. Yes, Good for now, for H1s but totally sucky for 2 sciences). YES, I'm fully aware. And the way Miss Ng put it across to me that morning, WHOA, made me cry in JJC for the first time. In FEAR. I know. As are horrid, they determine everything, or so it seems, and like how detergent renders the cholesterol soluble and destroy the cell membrane, it can ultimately, destroy me. Ohmytians. 5 months to go and i spent like, 10 minutes on this stupid retarded shit blogger site already. Thats ten minutes of my remaining 5 months plus. In front my last working computer at home, on my messy desk now stacked with different piles of worksheets from each subject. Friends. So-called anyways. Are they just mere acquaintances we hang out with each day, just so not to be alone? Are they just people who you hang with and laugh together, but not help each other in times of need? Are they people who, like every other person out there, judge you by every little thing you do? Hmm, I don't know; competition is building up, causing people to change and become more...self-centered? And I know it's not just me being all sensitive over this; I know others who are also facing this problem. And yet, we choose to continue like that and not resolve the problem. Not like we can anyways. Whatever lahs. 5 months, and it's out of this shit-hole full of hypocritical nonsense and rubbish. Oh no, don't get me wrong, there are still awesome gems you can find in this dump of a school. Like tennis people I always hang out with and eventually grew closer to and particular classmates. High school friend still remain in touch though not as often, with each and every one of us busying along with our own school lives. It's surprising how easy it is to talk about almost absolutely anything, without having some weird gaze stare back at you in response of what you said, or some other response such as a super unappreciative grunt. Difference difference. YEEE. And some people are already drifting away before its even time to. Sometimes oh sometimes, I just opt to let them continue to. You know, walk away. I mean, what's the point of keeping someone that is totally, uncommitted and uninterested. I'll be better off myself anyways. E.g. taking a bus trip, and sitting next to an acquaintance you don't even speak to in class. Imagine the awkwardness. It takes a certain level of friendship or even say, understanding to be able to sit beside someone and shut up for the whole ride without feeling anything like, even a TEEENY-WEENY tinge of uneasiness. People like, Angkukueh, buttyli, xua etc. HAHA. Joyrides. (: Shucks, I NEVER saw this in high school. Then again, those were Os. O for ORDINARY. Today, it's the As. A for ADVANCED. Great, hell of a difference it made. Ohboy. I think I will stick to my NEW best friend for now. NOTES AND TUTORIALS AND ASSESSMENT BOOKS. Oh, for entertainment and for the sake of being online, LITESPEED too. (: I know it's an incredibly random and nonsenical post, that doesn't seem to make any sense. yet, it is kinda important to me, and because of my sucky expression of thoughts into words, and the delayed time in blogging them, they turned out slightly...(insert) Okays. I think I gotta go contnue pack my stuff. Study date with FAB people tmr. (:<3 Seems to be the only thing that cheers me up on down days like that. P.S. I really need to find you back, Ivy Tan. WHERE ARE YOU?!! Ugh.