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Friday, July 31, 2009
Talk about universal controllers.
I grabbed by iMac controller to lower the volume, and with a click, the aircon beeped. Appears I'd just lowered the temperature of the machine, instead of Corrinne May's volume.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thank you Father God that IVY, my dearest mei mei shall have the sufficient grace for her every subject! Thank you for prospering all that she has set her hands to do. Father God, I thank you that you help her recall and remember all the things that she had studied and help her to apply them all and answer the qns in the papers. Father God, I thank you that you'll give her wisdom for her studies that she'll do her best, whatever is left, Father God, I asked that you take over and you handle the rest for her. Father God, I asked that you help her and assist her way through this four months. Father God, I thank you for IVY that you'll teach her interesting ways to study for her As and that you'll see her through this season of her life, studying. Father God, I asked that you give her the desire to study and above all to enjoy studying. Father God, I asked that you bless her with excellent strength for her every day that she will have quality and sufficient rest! Father God, I asked that you bless her health, even as she does her best this season. Thank you for preparing her heart and I asked for your peace to be upon her that she can do her best and rest and know that it will be good and it will be well with her. In Jesus name, AMEN!
Jia you jiayou! Rmb, to watch what you speak. dont let the words of ur mouth demoralise ur spirit that so desire to enjoy study. tell urself, no matter what, i believe all things are possible. miracles her possible! it is not impossible for you, it will be possible for u in ur As! loves, Caihua THANK YOU LOVE! (: Just hit 38.0 degress celcius. Feel myself burning and my head's spinning. ARUGH. Nvm. Better now than A levels. School's been sucky as usual, havent been updating much. zomg. Shall go mug now, then sleep. Toodles! P.S. I know this is pretty pointless, but I just wanted to show my adorable cousin's prayer. SO TOUCHED :D
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Today, I learnt something while studying with ling.
My blushing easily is serious. Macs' lightning just brought it a level higher. HAHAHAHA. Lazy to update. Sorry arh liwanyu. :D
Thursday, July 09, 2009
I'm drained already.
Biology paper 1 was darn disgusting. Even though I put in more effort than the rest of the subjects. Fishball. Math won't be too good either. GAH. Bullshit man. Hmm, maybe I won't be all that friendly anymore, currently. Selfish, self-beneficial and superficial means really disturbs me. And I really really cannot tolerate this kinda attitude. I don't have a masquerade to pull off as sympathetic an aura, but I don't need pitying, nor the pretence to draw onlookers over. Okayy, maybe just a little to return the favour. It's starting to show, the true colours. I think I might as well shun from all these, and stand on my own, or with those who I can really trust. Being too easy-going, kind of give others the advantage to exploit one. Mindgames. Mindgames. Mindgames. Mindgames. Mindgames. Bring it on.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
And after listening to the prep talk by Miss Ng at civics today, I finally feel the toll. Looking at the hectic schedule, I couldn't help but feel drained. Got back GP results today, certainly isn't something to be proud of. I mean, I hadn't expected much out of it, but I didn't expect a just pass for paper 2 either. Well, be thankful I just passed. LOL. (: ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Somehow. School night study is officially open now I think. I can't wait to stay in school and study actually. Saves so much trouble of...I shan't mention anyways. SIckening feeling in the gut whenever I think of it. Think I shall go catch up on a little sleep and then watch 1 hour of telly (or not) and work on all the remaining work to complete by this week. Oh jolly. So many things to do, so little time. ): And I wonder wonder wonder if we could ever be what we once were. If we can't, too bad. Like I said. Dispensable.
Monday, July 06, 2009
Just came back from study session with that stupid yeoxinyi.
Laughed my 两块肉 off. Saw Ms Ong (biology teacher) there with her angmoh friend, actually contemplating on whether to approach her to ask biology questions. LOL And met shuyi and manxiao in the morning for breakfast. Shunjie came over. Ohmytianess. That must have been like the first time in 6 years I talked to him, face to face somemore, since we don't even greet each othr in school. Through him and shuyi, I learnt that SiewHui was in our school also. I finally know which one. And manxiao bought me a shirt, to remember her when I wear it. (: Probably will, the next time I head out to study. Golly. Suddenly I miss her already. She went off, went to westmall and came back to macs to pass me the shirt. So touched. ): But she's leaving again tmr. Soon, we will meet again I hope. (: And that angyien sent me a very touching message too. (: HAHA. What a friend. Always so sweet with her words. School starts tomorrow, and I'm totally dreading it. The thought of seeing some people again, really disturbing and sickening. Thank god I have true friends I can always turn to for help. Makes JJC life (Note JURONG) so much easier. Especially since the outing with yien, we've been texting each other more often, and I realise just how superficial people can be. But then again, I don't think I want to bother so much anymore. "I don't need many fake friends. I just need one true friend." -A Special Friend. (: Well. Haha. I guess it's pretty convenient keeping this blog private. In the sense that I don't need to get questions on "Hey, you know right, who's that person you're so angry with huh? On your blog?" after being dragged to a corner. Funny shit. Like FQ said. No need to be guilty if there's nothing wrong. And why be such a nosey parker. If I wanted to tell you obviously I would right. Bah. People. I'm kinda sleepy. And dreading the OFFICIAL official start of school tomorrow. Fishball. ): This is so depressing, cause prelims are coming soon. Drawing nearer and nearer. GAHHHH. I want to scream. And I am getting oh-so-sick of some people. And terribly missing others. I think all will reveal when school starts. I'm about to start a whole new definition of Cold War. WHOO. 大便 P.S. Liar. I won't believe you no more.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Marina Barage; Picnic, Talk, Chill; AngKuKueh. (: Today was awesome! :D Woke up bright and early, texted yien to decide the time and venue for meeting, and then headed back to bed. In the end I was late in meeting her. LOL. We met at JE, then went to NTUC and some pastry shop to buy some food for our impromptu picnic. Nothing much happened really; it was both our first times there, and we just anyhow-ed our way around. The station at Marina Bay was quiet, like SUPER, cause of the lack of usual hanging teens. Because we met in the morning, there weren't any, so it was like, a really posh, empty train station all to ourselves. Went out of the station to be disappointed by some idustrial area still undergoing renovations/constructions, and we headed for the shuttle bus that drove us there. Then the exploring began! There wasn't anything much to see there, just mainly for picture taking I think, as wanyu said. HAHA. Our first stop was the pool (or water playground). HAHA. Quite fun when we did stupid poses and ran around like looneys when there was just the 2 of us there. Not feeling very good; I think its the junkies. But yeh, pictures anyways. Near entrance. We plunged into the pool with footwear. Enthusiasm. I personally think this is SUPER artistic. (: Superstars checking the images. HAHA. My shades. My SUPERSTAR (literally; her top) best friend :D haahaha. Been like forever since the two of us came out alone. I remember we took turns wearing my poncho in sec 2 when I refused to open my umbrella, and we ran around in the rain. :D Yes, My skirt got wet. LOL. IMPROMPTU PICNIC. HAHAHA. Unhealthy, and not a HUGE spread, but we couldn't finish it. Should get home-cooked stuff next time with the 5. (: AND KITES. AND A PICNIC MAT. ROU GAN MIAN BAO. We talked a lot lot LOT about our JC life. Like the people we met, the negativities, the differences, academics, troubling relationship problems be it with friends or acquaintances, people and their disgusting habits and turn-off attitudes, siblings, kids, past experiences, and of course, the old times. OMG, and I told her how I wondered in the past, how I would be left all alone cause 3 out of 5 will go back to china, and she will return to malaysia; then I'd be all alone! But yeah, kinda know now, it won't really happen. OH OH! We have TELEPATHY! Think the same thing the same time. :D Coolness, just like before. (: Golly, all the eating and drinking; we finished our bottles of water and went to buy more. She took this. And I took this! Some colourful dead worm I found in the water. LOL. Interesting. Went against the rules; waddles in with footgear. 'UPSTAIRS' :D KITES! So many people were flying them, and there was this ONE interesting one we saw flying amongst all the similar ones since the start of our picnic. THE BATMAN! (Okay, without the MAN, cause I really don't see much resemblance.) Toilet. A LOT A LOT A LOT OF FAILED JUMPSHOTS. So close to a successful one! But the shuttle bus came and we already missed one. Made us so tired we were basically silent the way back home. This is my current wallpaper. (: Started hanging since sec 1 august I think. Hahas. And even though we are all in the same school now, it still feels like of distant. Like, different classes, different lecture groups and different schedules; we don't even have time to catch up. Today was special! :D And very fun; we know new things about each other that we didn't before, like what funny occurrences and encounters we have personally in JC or something. Makes us all closer than before. The next time we go back as 5, it'll probably be post-As; another thing to motivate and spur me on I guess. :D |