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Sunday, January 18, 2009
Anyways I realised I haven't been replying to tags a whole lot. HOHO. Here I shall start on the more recent ones.. Ling: HAHA. Im well aware of that too. Though not sure whether its in a good/bad way. LOL. Fangqi: YOU LAH. Shall call you MeeSiamKuey. WANI: OOPS. Will do that in a moment. Yeah, Sorry I hadn't tagged replies in forever, but still. PEOPLE! Please continue to tag my board! :) Just came back from the market, had a haircut. Well, trimming. And now my hair's...POOOOFY, free of split-ends, and SHORT again -.- (though its just that inch difference) ARUGH. Well, on the plus side, its brown from the sun, so its natural. HEH. Not that I dyed my hair before -.- it just became more obvious ever since I joined sports. Should be studying for chem test, mugging the assignments, but yeah, it takes time to get used to school ya know! Okay bullshit. Anywayyys. I realised I wasted a whole day yesterday. After training (which extended its session into matchplay; thank god we left first) and of course I was late in meeting Liwanyu. LOL. Before leaving, coach royston was telling us what to do for tuesday cause we having math test so cant make it down to Waterfront, and Coach Ma gave us 4 (huiwen joy me and xua) skipping ropes each -.- ![]() Yeah, the bummer's hp batt was low, and eventually died. But she managed to spot me in the crowd anyways. WHEE. ITS OFF TO BURGER KINGGGG cause I had food cravings for BK -.- so we walked all the way to cineleisure. :D WHere, we made a whole lot of noise (because we laughed too much) talking about school and catching up on random things like some people we both know, and really humliating incidents and things some people will do just to get that few seconds of attention. ZOMG? Disgusting. And please liwanyu I AM NOT DRAMA. HAHAHA. Oh, and she shared something with me, which will be our LITTLE SECRET! :D HOHO. Taekwondo/karate/some sport along those lines. HAHAHAHA. :D After that we walked to far east plaza to get shoes. Not before we bought ice-cream! :D HOHOHO. And some dude gave us a yellow balloon! I went looney over the helium yellow ball. And wanyu helped me carry my shoebag the whole time. We squeezed into the super packed far east plaza I think, only to find a LOT LOT LOT of ahlians and ahbeng wannabes. Wanyu was super turned off by them. HAHA. And every shoe shop we went into was CROWDED with all the women and girls trying on shoes, grabbing the nice designs, etc. We finally got bored after a while, squeezing through everywhere, with my racket poking and hitting everyone in the wrong places, and the balloon, (by now, it has already been named JOBBIE) hitting random people walking by in their faces. LOL -.- Soon we sidetracked to look at other things, and went into this second hand branded bags shop (which wanyu seriously regret walking into), an imitation A grade shop (I hear china has a whole shopping mall dedicated to these, OH HEAVEN) and an accessories shop. I ended up buying an accessory, which really wasn't what I initially planned. We went out of far east, and crossed the road to Sweetalk. (I was thirsty) And then 5 steps further to Old Chang Kee (Wanyu wanted Curry puffs). So we walked by the exact same road, eating, again. Sat down outside ngee ann city to eat. And started cam-whoring til her SOny started vibrating. Mildly. Set JOBBIE free into the trees and that horny airhead (literally) got stuck in a tree and started sticking around another yellow balloon. So here's a song dedicated to you Jobbie. My Jobbie flies into the blue sky~ my Jobbie got stuck in a tree! My Jobbie seperated from me~ Oh, bring back my Jobbie to me! Jobbie~ Jobbie~ Oh, bring back my Jobbie to me~ TO ME! Jobbie~ Jobbie~ Oh, don't get all sobby on me! Okay. Whatever, actually came up with this nonsense after alighting from the bus. HAHAHA. I miss that yellow balloon ): Who knows, when I go back someday, it'll still be there.. It was rather anti-climax, when everyone, including the cheena dudes sitting beside us, when I released the balloon. Apparently all of us were waiting for the glorious sight of it going wayyy up into the night sky! But instead it got stuck in a tree. -.- Anyways. We tried to get someone nice to help us take full bodied shots. But orchard road was full of people walking around with their companions, chattering away non-stop. And you never know if the person is trustworthy. Ivy: "Eh. Get her to help us take the picture lah!" -signals at a malay grannie on a wheelchair- Wanyu: "Wt*, you pick a handicapped person of every healthy person in orchard road to take picture. What's your problem?!" Ivy: "HEY! This way, you don't have to worry about the person running away with you camera what!" Ivy: "Hey. Pick him!" -signals wo an angmoh carrying a kid on his head- Wanyu: "No! What if his kid kicks my camera off his hands!" Ivy: "Good point. But He can't run very fast with your camera with his kid on his head what!" Wanyu: "Eh, how about him?" -random dude I don't really remember his face- Ivy: "Why?" Wanyu: "He has a kid, AND a wife. He can't run without them." Excuse me for being paranoid. After eating, she felt bad staying around in the streets so we walked to the busstop to take 174 back home. (: WANYU IS LOVE! :D Freaking lots of unglam pictures on her blog -.- GO DIE LAHS YOU. On a side note, I shall NEVER go out after training on a SCORCHING morning-afternoon. I look charred and black. Forever so cheapskate :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Friday, January 16, 2009
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "I need a break." -Fangqi Someone pointed out nicely that its only the first week of school. Jeeeez. I love my classmates. Each has their own in dividual funny side, especially the girls. LOL. ~~~~ Limther: "Michelle, I come help you liao." Michelle: "I DONE IT MYSELF ALREADY LAH, YOU ASSHOLE." Apparently, the words just kinds slipped outta her mouth in the bio lab after practical. God. I swear, these people are super hilarious. ![]() ![]()
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I think I suck at expressing my emotions; SOME PEOPLE can never tell when I'm ticked, when I'm disgusted and totally pissed. Yeap. Go figure.
Crap. #%?!@$&?!!! On a side note, taking a bus back home alone at night is an awesome way to sort out thoughts. However, spending almost a bloody hour waiting for the night bus sucks a lot really. Im really hoping there is shutter service from Waterfront to JP, or Lakeside at least. Uber ulu can. Yet from far, the tennis academy looks really classy! I think its the new coat of paint. I think Im enrolled into the US Biology program. Oh ho. I just know it. I hope it doesnt clash with cca -.- Arh, just gotta think of it as FREE BIOLOGY TUITION. Jeez, it can't be THAT bad, can it? I HATE THIS BLOODY SHIT OF YOURS. SUP FAKE, NO?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's one of those days there is nothing really wrong with the world around you, but you just feel like punching every idiot who pops into your mind along with all the knitty-gritty minor irritating they did to you. Yeap. That's exactly what Im feeling now. Yet I know deep inside, it's not just ONE bloody occasion this happened; it happened so many shitty times I really don't think it's all that simple no more. Even if I voice out, advise or give feedback, you won't listen. You won't change. I know people like you, I've had countless encounters. But then, being someone close, I really can't stand the thought of it yeah? IF I tell you seriously, you'd think that Im kidding, just criticising, when Im not. And you'd just brush off the matter you don't like to discuss meekly aside, not wanting to face the issue. What? Accumulate it? So you think obstracising others is fun, but you don't like being obstracised. So you think being self-centered is no biggie, and you called others selfish on so many accounts. So you have that super strong insecurity, but you fail to recognise others'. And you don't see the need to accomodate others as well as you get something out of it. doing things that will only bring you benefits. You hate losing out, but honestly speaking, I'd say through all the responses you've given, you really don't mind if others lost out a little, just so you can do better. Oh, and you really don't say what you really think cause of the need to impress others and go along with the crowd. I: its gonna be the same no matter how many times i tell her lohs. BFF: haii I: and she wun take me seriously de. i think she is one of those who really cant tell when im serious or joking. BFF: hhaha yea I: i mean, okay lahs, its rather hard for many -.- even my classmates. but then ppl like you (++++) know when to stop -.- BFF: yea BFF: she dunno BFF: seriously ARUGH. Stop it. I can't figure out why you even think it's funny. Cause it really isn't. I wanna just punch someone. As you can see, Im not exactly in a happy mood. Thanks ar. I really shouldn't eat MEE SIAM (vegetarian) in school. MeeSiam = Detoxification before training.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Okay. Fantastic. Came back from tennis camp at waterfront, and now the whole body aches like crazy I can barely sit up straight.
Tennis camp from the 5th to the 7th of Jan. A lot of things happened before the start of the camp. For huiwen, lingling and I. Xuejie's away in China. The three of us didn't feel like going for the camp, plus ours parents weren't very supportive of going to intensive training for three days, and still have to pay $100. Of course, coach wouldn't take no for an answer; if you want a tennis camp, you'd jolly well make sure everyone goes for it. Some purpose of camp crap. I still don't get what the purpose of the camp is about, really. Just seems like three days of trainings joined together, with some drills, a lot of matchplay and one trip to NTU to try playing against them for experience. That's about it. So much for good rest, enough sleep, focusing and being in top shape throughout the three days. For one, I was knocked out after the first day. And everyone complained of muscleaches. Day one. We reached the place, hurled all our bags into the recreation room, and got our gear ready to start training. Huiwen ling and I arrived late. Heh, partly cause we went to ntuc to buy some 100plus, comfort food at night, etc. Funny thing is, Ling and I actually forgot to drop by Guardian to buy the toiletries we needed. She needed shower foam, while I needed a toothbrush, since mom threw my travel toothbrush away after S06 chalet. LOL. I only got reminded that I only had toothpaste in my pack at night when someone asked about brushing her teeth before sleeping. Had to resort to Huiwen's GB method of brushing teeth without a toothbrush. According to coach, guys in the army did that too. Not hard to imagine, go figure. Anyways, first day had us all going for volley drills, lobs and smash. No 5 consequetive shots of his standard, no letting us go. Surprisingly, I fared better at backhand lob than forehand lob. Jeez, how ironic. Oh, and we did drop shots too, running in from the fence behind the court to get at the ball. Picking balls in one minute, else have to do sprinting etc. Quite helpful in a way I guess. After 7+ hours of training with short little water breaks of our own in between and dinner, 3 of us sat down at a seperate table from the others to do our homework. At 11:11pm, we looked at lingling's phone and decided to make a wish to try to see if the rumour is true. "Hope that PT tmr morning is easy." The next morning, after washing up, we went into the courts not really expecting what to do. Turns out, it was kinda like a PE lesson. Kinda easy and time passed fast. Soon, it was breakfast. FUN SIAH. :D Jac ling huiwen and I had food we haven't eaten in a long long time. Dou huay, chee cheong fun, yam cake, zhui kuey (HAPPY BIRTHDAY FQ) plus plus other foods. After that, training resumed, tactical drills and matchplay tactics were taught. Lunch came, Jung's parents brought a lot of delicious Korean food! There was vermecilli, sushi, instant korean cup noodles. Damn filling. Then cuifen and I went to bio lesson. ANd left at 4. COach came to fetch us back to waterfront, and we walked into the recreation room to find many asleep on the couches. Hahas funny. In the evening, coach brought us down in two batches down to NTU to play against the other players. Quite an experience, and acted as a gauge to show us where our standards are currently at. Quite fun too. I remember Yien XiaXiaoXing Xuejie and I sneaking into the compund once during early sec school days to use the courts. That was the first time I tried tennis, and ZOMG, Xuejie's purple tennis racket was damn chio. AND light. Heh. Speaking of rackets, lingling's, huiwen's and mine suffered a hell lot of scratches from camp. Arugh. Had no idea how they got there. And they are so obvious against glossy black surface okay. Crap. Ah wells. On the third day, PT was cancelled (we made a wish the second night too at 11:11pm, whining that we don't want PT) cause coach walked by the recreation room where the girls slept in the middle of the night, and felt aircon BIG TIME. So he decided that we probably can't make it for PT the next day, hence it was cancelled. ROFL. So we went for breakfast, and then discussed some team stuff. Then it was matchplay to determine the ranking, and to identify the sigles and doubles players. HOHO. Felt so happy for lingling :D Singles potential! And all she needs is confidence! (: CHEWLING KICKS ASS MAN. ROFL. Coach was saying if huiwen and I lose our first set, our doubles partnership ends there. So we walked into the courts feeling like ANTS ON A HOT POT (eh, huiwen, wo de hua wen tu fei meng jing okay!) and played under pressure (which I would say was rather unnecessary, counting all the double faults that resulted). Nonetheless, we emerged victorious! (sounds drama) and walked out of the courts, to hear coahc say "Wait. There's still another test you have to go through." Kenesai. But we stil did it anyways. HOHO :D Coach: "Hope that the current status remains unchanged til nationals." Ivy: "Then xuejie?" Coach: "Have to fight for her place with the others also....tried finding a partner for lingling if she were to play doubles. Still don't have, unless I split you'all up." -SMIRKS- Huiwen: "HOI!" -gives incredlous stare- Ivy: -picks up 'serve-flick-stick'- Coach: "WHOA. Want to hit me huh!" -amused- Ivy: "No, who says. I practising my serve." Coach: "REALLY." Huiwen: "Ivy..." Ivy: -flicks- Tape roll hit the bottle cap too hard. The whole thing got dismantled. All that was left in my hand was the main stick. Coach: "Angry is it!" -jk manner- Ivy: "No, this is called Power Serve." Huiwen: -cracks up- As you'd easily guess, I had to pick up the dismantled parts, which coach easily put back. LOL. Then we went for Lunch in Billy Bombers. Well, the three of us that is. Jac had something on, and she needed to catch up on her sleep before. I swear. With all the baggage, we looked like we were carrying bombs with us wherever we went. HAHAHAHAHAA. Well. Camp was fun after all. (: Not that bad. And rather fruitful too. Okay~ Shall go sleep now. Might go bugis tmr to shop for a school bag. FINISH CHEM HOL ASSIGNMENT BY TMR IVY! GOGOGOGO! P.S. Today after bio lesson. Mr Er: "Did you try contacting Enghwee?" Ivy: "Eh, nope; I don't even have his handphone number." Mr Er: "-.- Does he keep in contact with the class?" Fangqi: "Yeah, sometimes." Mr Er: "Oh okay..." Ivy: "Thanks ar Mr Er. Very cool buddy arrangement." Mr Er: "Oh. Or would you rather..." Ivy: "OH NO! ENGHWEE is FINE. No need to make any changes. None at all!" Mr Er: "Okay. That's good." -Gives a nice friendly smile- Had the rest of the kuehs, namely mellisa bernice and fangqi laughing like hell. -.-! MR ER IS A REALLY INTERESTING TEACHER TO HAVE INDEED. HAHAHA
Thursday, January 01, 2009
So I missed the grand chance that everyone would make use of to post their final messages for the coming new year. That, was yesterday. More importantly, Last Year. 2008 has been one of the most exciting years for me! New JCs (Pae and Jae), new friends, being seperated from my close friends of 2-4 years from secondary schools while we embark on each of our individual paths and lead our own lives. Persuing what I like to do, learning, failing at it. Making up my mind what I want to study, yet have no idea what it has got to do with my ambition, which fyi, has yet to be decided. I don't really knwo what to say, and Im not very good at it either. Didnt keep a note of what happened everyday in my calendar, but yea. I was flipping through and found these random scribbles on some dates. 6th Jan: Punched 2 more earholes. (Piercings) Overall for Jan: "Os coming out. walieweh, I hope to just stay in AJ. Dun even know if can go jc. (*Inserts a whole lot of three-eyed sad smileys. I think my friends who tolerates my random scribbles will know what Im talking about here.) 28th Feb: Wangxua's birthday. 14th May: TENNIS! (Which ended up being cancelled, thanks to some CHOW dude) 15th May: Captain Ball! (With who i really dn remember) 16th May: Sports Day! (Oh, who turned up for sports day again?) 17th May: Yoga Conference. (This! I remember the spastic moments when playing on the ropes with fangqi and vani and mellisa and bernice. And yeap. Had a scar too.) 25th May: HOLIDAYYYYS! 3rd/4th June: TENNIS. (FINALLY) 7th June: 404 Gathering at charmaine's house. 11th June: A cancelled OG outing. And xinyi's birthday. Tennis training. 9th Aug: NAtional Day. (Free cute cupcakes. I koped a lot. And met up with yien to go to wanyu's house. Giving her the free cupcakes as door gift.) 18th Sept: PROMOS. 22th Sept: AYE's birthday which we didnt manage to celebrate. (Her present is still here with me. -.-) October was really uneventful, in contrast with with November and December. November had me (and everybody else in that matter) finishing PW (this was one of the most meaningless things I have done in my life. PW. SUCKS TO THE CORE. Super unejoyable.) succeeding in getting a job, hence working like crazy, truing to study on the bus on the way to and fro worked (which faile dmiserably by the way, due to the fact I keep dozing off in the bus/stoning), going to trainings if I could, class chalet (which turned out awesome, cause we got to know some people more than we can in school, namely Jessica (: hahas), my birthday (tennis girls and coach celebrated with me after training, mom and bro treated me to subway, yien and wanqing went with me to cultural potpourri cause that asshole liwanyu's off to taiwan. So sorry I couldnt join them with huiwen and xua for dinner though, cause it was also xua's last dinner with us, before setting off to china. DON'T WORRY XUA! I STILL LOVE YOU REGARDLESS OF WHAT AN ASS YOU ARE (: HOHO). And who can forget? GAINING WEIGHT. &%#$@?@! December had trainings, tri-college tournament (in which we got to know one another slightly better. note: slightly) and uhmmms. A lot of complications due to tennis attendance and training camp. CLASS OUTINGS. Leaving my job. Spending christmas at takashimaya with the people working there. Seeing everyone else leave for school. Meeting up with cousins for christmas and what-nots. Getting my paychecks. GEtting my racquet. Getting all sorts of nonsensical things that I allow myself to indulge in a LITTLE BIT since I got my own money. And finally, clearing my homework. Oh. Thank you all those who came into my life, made it fun, exciting horrid bitter, disgusting etc over the year. PAE AJC OG26, Odin/Munin. 08S10. Enjoyable :D Glad to know you people from the EAST! JAE JJC OG14. 08S06. Infinite loves! xD HOHO. Oh. And how can I forget. TENNIS! :D Sry, rushed. GTG. next time maybe :D |